Raving Fans

I have been in great health all my life. Over the past year, I’ve had some alarming health issues that hit me in a surprising manner. It made me realize I needed to make some changes with my dietary lifestyle. I decided to get coaching from Mele. Since starting, she has helped me institute positive changes in my diet and eliminate the things that were detrimental to my health. One of the best and critical steps was her coaching me through a week-long liver cleanse. Although I had been skeptical about cleanses for years, my body was telling me that I needed a significant reset. Mele inspired me to do the cleanse and she guided me step by step as I prepared for it. She gave me an awesome summary schedule to follow for the week with the specific actions to take each day. She even gave me meal plan suggestions which made it much easier. I checked-in and asked Mele questions as I went along. Mele’s coaching was all done with enthusiasm and positive energy which helped me stay on the course. Now after completing two cleanses, my health is much better. My energy levels have improved, I lost weight, and even my outward appearance is noticeably better — my friends and coworkers comment on how great I look. I even had an ultrasound on my liver and the technician wanted to know how my liver was so clean! If you are trying to get healthier and reset your body without drugs or medicines, I highly recommend Mele’s health coaching. -George, Honolulu, HI


Mele has coached me for several months and the experience has been both productive and fun. She is so knowledgable in health and nutrition and she has helped me to shift to a more healthy lifestyle. Since I travel most of the week, Mel added special emphasis on my finding a way to find healthy food on the road. Her suggestions have been most valuable and I find myself being more cognizant of my food choices. She is patient and has helped me to stay focused. Mel has also guided mediations for me which have helped me to relax and sleep well. I feel more healthy, relaxed and my work has been more productive. What sets Mel apart is her ability to listen carefully and create a unique and flexible plan. She helped me reach my health goals, lose weight and reduce my prediabetes risk.  All in all, Mel is a great coach and is highly recommended. - Mary, Chicago, IL


Mele’s coaching has been a great help in my journey to become healthy. Having her encouragement alongside me as well as her excellent recommendations has made all the difference. Mel's attitude of loving support instead of judgement or shame creates such a warm caring atmosphere in which change becomes easier. She has helped me focus on preparation of good foods and in eating mindfulness. Her guided meditations has moved me away from emotional eating and into finding more healthy ways to manage stress in my life. - Elise, Forestville, CA


I’ve been doing guided meditations with Mel for several years. Each meditation experience is unique and deeply calming and enlivening. At the beginning of each session, we talk for a few minutes and discuss any challenges I am facing and Mel incorporates guidance in the meditation which often helps me to resolve the issues with ease. After each guided meditation, I feel more relaxed and refreshed than I did beforehand. It is an important part of my week and I recommend Mel for meditations. - Catherine, River Forest, IL


Melisande Van Liedekerke has been coaching me for my health for several years. Her guidance promotes positive thoughts, words, and actions, and they align with how I want to present myself in life.  Mel’s meditations include important aspects of a good life: love, calmness, positive presentation, my goals, financial wellbeing, and happiness. I have a business which requires a lot of attention and can be very interesting and also sometimes stressful. Because of this, I schedule these meditations in the evening when I want to calm myself down and sleep well. At the beginning of the session, we talk for a few minutes and I explain the concerns I have for the upcoming days. Mel will smoothly incorporate some special guidance in the meditation helping me to resolve problems and issues with more ease. The day after I have one of Mel’s guided meditations, I actually find my work day flows more smoothly and easily and my interactions with my customers are engaging and fruitful.  I find that Mel’s meditations contribute to my creation of a more healthy physical, mental, spiritual and emotional life.  My work is more calm and productive. I highly recommend Mel for meditations. - Thomas, Loveland, CO


I worked with Mel for 4 months during a very stressful period of my life, when I was moving homes and starting a new business. We had weekly 30 minute meditation sessions on FaceTime. These sessions really helped to dissipate the anxiety I was feeling about the changes in my life and directed my focus towards the positive and excitement of this new phase.

During the first 5-10 minutes, Mel would ask me what had been going on that week, what were the key issues? Then she would ask what was particularly worrying me and how she could help.

The meditation would then start and followed a set pattern which I found reassuring. Towards the end, Mel would focus on the particular issue and help to put it in perspective. I found these sessions incredibly helpful during a period of major transition in my life. It was especially beneficial because Mel understood the whole house moving process and was able to help me see all the different people /services that would impact on making the experience positive. Mel's guidance helped me to enter each phase of the ongoing project and relationships with insight, calmness and direction. I achieved more due to having these sessions with Mel.

Mel offered me weekly calm and positivity, gifts that were wrapped in her huge compassion and wisdom. - Rachel, London, UK